Machine Learning for Computer Vision Faculty of Computer Science TU Dresden

Computer Vision Seminar (Summer Term 2024)





In this seminar, participating students will read, understand, prepare and present the contents of a research article or book chapter on a topic from the field of computer vision. The article or book chapter will be chosen by the student from the list below, or suggested by the student for approval in the beginning of the term. The preparation will include relevant foundational and related work. By attending at least seven presentations of their peers, students will get an overview of diverse topics in the field of computer vision.


Prerequisites for taking this course are a solid foundational education in mathematics (esp. linear algebra and analysis) and theoretical computer science, as well as basics of machine learning and computer vision, comparable to the contents of the courses Machine Learning 1 and Computer Vision 1. For some of the suggested articles and book chapters, additional knowledge from the field of mathematical optimization is required.


Requirements for passing this course are:

Suggested Research Articles




Deep Learning

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